“You have to listen to the scientists!!!”
To listen to them, support them, and relay their work, you should already follow them on Twitter. Why Twitter ? Because it is the network where scientists are the most present and communicate the most. Even scientists who interact on certain topics on Instagram, Linkedin or Youtube, are all on Twitter.
Scope and conditions
The objective of this article is to highlight the scientists who work on environmental and climate issues. There are probably brilliant people outside of these subjects, but without framing, we would have to list thousands of people!
Next, a few points and conditions to get your bearings:
- Categories: it is extremely difficult to make categories, to put a person in a box. To serve as a basis, the CNRS sections are useful.
- A list is necessarily incomplete, and subjective. Incomplete, because great scientists are not on Twitter, and it is difficult to have 100% of the people in the list. Subjective, because some scientists have sometimes had a tendency to express themselves on other fields and to say big stupidities, like Didier Raoult on the climate, or Claude Allègre.
- The French language is preferred, even if most scientists use English on Twitter. If you are lucky enough to speak English, here is a list. If not, this is a good opportunity to get started!
- There are some excellent teachers/politics who are not on this list. But choices must be made!
- There is no hierarchy or order, from the first to the last version.
- You can also make “lists” on Twitter, by keywords, etc. Here is a very useful tutorial.
Finally, feel free to leave a comment to add/remove your name or update your exact title, it is not always up to date on all sites! And remember that listening to scientists will not solve all the problems…
The scientists to follow
Scientific aspects of climate change
- Valérie Masson-Delmotte : paleoclimatologist, co-chair of Working Group 1 of the 6th IPCC report
- Christophe Cassou : Director of Research at the CNRS, climatologist, lead author of the 6th IPCC report
- Corinne Le Quéré : climatologist, oceanographer. HCC President
- Jean-Pascal Van Ypersele : climatologist, lead author of the 5th IPCC report
- Robert Vautard : climatologist, director of the IPSL
- Pierre Friedlingstein : climatologist, carbon cycle, Global Carbon Project
- Philippe Ciais : researcher at LSCE, carbon cycle
- Roland Séférian : researcher Météo France, carbon cycle, lead author of IPCC report 1.5
- Laurent Bopp : CNRS researcher at the Dynamic Meteorology Laboratory (CO2, plant food or climate poison?)
- Marie-Alice Foujols : CNRS, iresearch engineer. Climate modeling and intensive computing
- Julie Deshayes : CNRS researcher at LOCEAN
- Juliette Mignot : IRD researcher at LOCEAN
- Didier Swingedouw : CNRS researcher at EPOC
- Aurélien Ribes : Researcher Météo-France, Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques (Météo-France – CNRS)
- Sophie Szopa : Researcher in atmospheric chemistry. Numerical modeling – Impacts on climate and air quality
- Pierre Sepulchre : Paleoclimatologist, CNRS researcher at LSCE
- Davide Faranda : CNRS researcher in Climate Physics
Cryosphere / Hydrosphere
- Samuel Morin : Researcher Météo-France, Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques (Météo-France – CNRS), lead author of the SCROCC report
- Jean-Baptiste Sallée : climatologist, lead author of the 6th IPCC report
- Jean-Pierre Gattuso : oceanographer, lead author SCROCC
- Melaine Le Roy : geomorphologist, researcher at the University of Geneva, Institute of Environmental Sciences (ISE, C-CIA)
- Heïdi Sevestre : glaciologist
- Simon Gascoin : CNRS research fellow, improving knowledge of water resources using remote sensing
- Pierre-Henri Blard : Paleoclimatologist
- Marie Mézière-Fortin : Hydrobiologist
- Florence Habets : CNRS research director in hydrometeorology, professor at the École normale supérieure (ENS) – PSL (flood specialist)
- Gaétan Heymes : forecasting engineer and snow specialist
- Etienne Kapikian : forecaster @meteofrance at the CMRS cyclones of La Réunion
- Serge Taboulot : retired engineer from Météo-France, secretary of the Institut des Risques Majeurs – IRMA
- Francois Jobard : meteorologist at Météo France
Energy / Prospective / Extractivism
- Thomas Gibon : research, carbon accounting, energy, transport
- Behrang Shirizadeh : Researcher on energy systems modeling and energy transition
- Emmanuel Hache : researcher at IFPEN
Agriculture / Agronomy /
- Serge Zaka : agroclimatologist at the ITK laboratory
- Pierre-Benoit Joly : Director of research at INRAE
- Sabrina Gaba : Research Director at the “Agroecology” laboratory in Dijon
- Rémi Cardinael : Researcher at CIRAD, carbon storage in soils and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture
Chaque semaine, nous filtrons le superflu pour vous offrir l’essentiel, fiable et sourcé
- Celine Guivarch : CIRED researcher, lead author of the 6th IPCC report
- Yamina Saheb : Lead author of the 6th IPCC report
- Philippe Quirion : researcher at CIRED, ecological economics
- Julia Steinberger : researcher at UNIL, professor in economic ecology
- Vincent Viguié : researcher at CIRED
- Marion Leroutier : Researcher at Misum, Stockholm School of Economics
- Philippe Delacote : Environmental economist at INRAE and Climate Economics Chair
- Romain Espinosa : Researcher at CIRED in animal economics
- Nicolas Treich : Economics of the environment and the animal condition
- Aurélien Bigo : Researcher on transportation energy transition; Energy and Prosperity Chair
Adaptation / Migrations
- Magali Reghezza : geographer, member of the High Council for the Climate (No, Man has not always adapted))
- François Gemenne : climate change and migration. Director of the Hugo Observatory. .
Biodiversity / Ecosystems
- Aude Lalis : researcher at the ISYEB of the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle
- Emilie Joetsjer : researcher at INRAE (Has the Amazon passed a tipping point?)
- Wolfgang Cramer : CNRS researcher, IMBE, lead author of several IPCC reports
- Léa Tardieu : researcher at INRAE
- Améline Vallet : Researcher at AgroParisTech, ESE and CIRED laboratory
- Marc Barra : Ecologist, Regional Agency for Biodiversity îdF
- Sabrina Krief : Professor at the National Museum of Natural History
- Franck Courchamp : Researcher at CNRS
- Céline Bellard : Researcher at the CNRS
- Olivier Gimenez : Director of Research CNRS
- Emiline Pettex : Researcher in marine ecology
- Charlotte Francesiaz : Researcher at the OFB
- Pierre-Henri Gouyon : Plant and Fungal Interactions and Evolution
Social Sciences, Sociology and Legal Sciences
- Lucas Chancel : researcher at the World Inequality Lab
- Emmanuel Combet : researcher, reconciliation of ecological, social and economic challenges, coordinator of the prospective program at ADEME
- Adrien Fabre : researcher at ETH Zurich
- Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier : sociologist, researcher at CNRS and Sciences Po, member of the High Council for the Climate
- Mathieu Saujot : senior researcher at IDDRI, lifestyles in transition
- Denis Colombi : sociology of current events and current events in sociology. Auteur de Où va l’argent des pauvres
- Marta Torre-Schaub : director of research CNRS, jurist
Politics and Geopolitics
- Stefan Aykut : governance, climate negotiations
- Pierre Charbonnier : CNRS researcher in political science
- Paul Watkinson : climate negotiations, 25 COPs to his credit!
History / Anthropology
- Antoine Missemer : economy / history of ideas
Transition and health
Kévin Jean : epidemiologist at CNAM