Instagram accounts to follow on climate and the environment

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After the best sources, books and podcasts to read about climate and the environment, here are the accounts to follow on Instagram!

Like all social media, there is everything on Instagram: influencers who push to excessive consumption, Nabilla who promotes her lifestyle in Dubai, Mbappe who takes a selfie in his private jet to make Paris-Lyon …

But there are also people who inform, are engaged, and try to move the lines in the paradise of the photo with filter. That’s what this article is all about: highlighting people who will help you learn something, laugh, and sometimes even both! As always, being interested in the environment and climate means being interested in absolutely every subject: natural science, energy, politics, philosophy, psychology, sociology, economics, climate justice, history of technology… you’ll never get bored!

Of course, the categorization of links is subjective and can be subject to change (quite detestable this mania of putting people in boxes). Exceptionally, this article may be updated and completed over time with the various returns.

Thanks again to the people who suggested me new accounts on Instagram, very nice discoveries that I hope will please you too!

The essentials

I’ve learned some things with each of the accounts below, so hopefully that will be the case for you as well!

  • Florence Dellerie : author and freelance scientific illustrator, Florence does a great job of popularizing science. A true source of inspiration. I recommend her site Animal Questions, where you will find a lot of very interesting infographics. This is a good opportunity to revisit certain preconceived ideas!
  • Iznowgood : Céline offers a very interesting perspective on fashion and its practices, and does not hesitate to denounce greenwashing. Work validated by Loom, it gives confidence 😉
  • Ecolo_mon_cul: Pierre Rouvière defines himself as a greenwashing fighter, and I could not have found a better presentation. With about one post per week, he denounces certain advertisements by explaining, with figures, why it is greenwashing. Efficient!
  • Pour un réveil écolo : the students’ collective does a very good job of awakening and popularizing ecological subjects. Join them !
  • Décolonisons nous : because ecology must necessarily be decolonial to be sustainable, this account is to be followed absolutely.

  • Anneso_what :Anne-Sophie Deville has a PhD in Ecology and has been popularizing science for over five years. An original account that I discovered very recently, to follow!
  • Heïdi Sevestre : glaciologist, Heïdi shares her passion with us through videos and photos, each one more beautiful than the next. Also check out her site, you should learn a few things!

The Activists

The ecological transition, if there is one, will require activism. The following people and accounts are among the activists to follow in France:

  • Youth For climate : Apartisan movement of youth committed to ecological and social justice, they do a very good job of popularizing what is wrong in France and in the world. They have accounts for every city, check if this is the case for your city and get involved!
  • Extinction Rebellion FR : international movement of non-violent civil disobedience in the fight against the collapse of life, you must have heard of them.

  • Engrainage : an independent media that talks about climate justice and civil disobedience. It has just been created, and it looks promising. “Bon chance” !
  • Adelaide Charlier : you presented it to me as the Belgian Greta, and I must admit that the presentation is rather accurate! An overflowing energy and a person who has been committed for several years now.
  • Marie Cohuet : Marie had infiltrated a Louis Vuitton fashion show to denounce overconsumption, and had considerably marked the spirits, until having front pages all over the world. #wewantmore !
Credit : Marie Cohuet

We are fuc*ed, we might as well laugh about it!

Given the seriousness of the situation and the general jmenfoutism of our politicians, rather than being tense as cramps, we might as well laugh!

  • Julie Henches : queen of the punchline on Twitter, we need people like Julie to come and take care of our influencers on Instagram….
  • drôledhumourdurable : excellent drawings to laugh about our current events…
  • Sanaga : talented drawer, he was the one who made this superb front page when the last IPCC report was released:
Credit : Sanaga
  • Insolente Veggie : cartoonist with a focus on animals, veganism and antispeciesism, her drawings are worth a visit. Meat eaters love it!
  • TienstiensBD : thanks to the person who made me discover this account, it’s just great ! Funny, teasing… perfect!

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You already knew them

They don’t need to be introduced, but it would be a shame to miss them!

  • Graine de possible : over 100,000 followers on Instagram and energy to spare. Camille Etienne fights for social and climate justice, and does not hesitate to go to the front.
  • Cyril Dion : author, director, more than 10 years of activism for the living… no need to introduce Cyril Dion!
  • Pierre Rigaux : Pierre offers field investigations on ecology and animals. He does a great deal of information and alert work, which displeases a part of the population, which sends him daily threats. Hunters, the first ecologists in France?
  • Daphne Roulier : an example of what journalism should be. Perhaps one of the only journalists with such a large audience to speak frequently about climate and social issues!

Accounts in English

If you are lucky enough to speak English, the following accounts are worth following! >

  • Greta Thunberg : boomers love to hate her. Not to be missed.
  • The juice media : their videos are funny, informative… we absolutely need the same thing in France!
  • Woke scientist : perhaps the account where I learned the most. Ayesha Khan does a wonderful job of deconstructing prejudices. To be followed, without hesitation.
  • Vanessa Nakate : Ugandan environmental activist, Vanessa Nakate is one of the global figures of the climate movement.
  • sunrise mouvement
  • Thegreenmonki : lots of informative posts on climate justice, definitely worth following!

The last word

While preparing this article, I realized that for once, parity was respected. In contrast, diversity is lacking, including in the 700+ account recommendations received on Instagram. Most of the people followed and listened to are rather from North and rich countries and backgrounds, white, and who will not necessarily be the first concerned by climate change.

Of course, it’s good that privileged people are setting an example and alerting people to the situation. This is my case, I left my job for this. But that doesn’t prevent me from taking a step back from the people present in the climate marches or the people we find on the TV sets in France to talk about the climate. Also, if you know people who are doing good work but lack visibility, let them know.

Let’s also point out that there are millions of Instagram accounts and I surely missed more than one (by the way, I purposely put some accounts aside, especially Youtubers, for a future article). If you think there is a must-have account missing from this list, feel free to tell me in comments!

Thumbnail credit: Tommy Trenchard for @greenpeace_france


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