It is with great joy and emotion that we can announce that our book Tout comprendre (ou presque) sur le climat is officially released on March 3rd!
This book is the result of a collective work with Anne Brès, in charge of the communication of the Institute of Sciences of the Universe at the CNRS (CNRS-INSU), Claire Marc, scientific mediator at Méduse Communication, and more than thirty scientists who collaborated to the writing.
Our goal: to answer the most common misconceptions about climate change in a format that is accessible to everyone. Before looking for solutions to climate change, we are convinced that it is better to have a good understanding of the problem!
After reading, you will finally know what to say to the climate deniers and their favorite arguments…
You can order the book now on the CNRS EDITIONS website, in bookstores, and on all the usual platforms. If possible, prefer bookstores 😉
Chaque semaine, nous filtrons le superflu pour vous offrir l’essentiel, fiable et sourcé
Behind the scenes and personal message
Tout a commencé par un simple message de Valérie Masson-Delmotte en janvier 2021. The climate skepticals misinformation was back in full swing. As a major player in climate research in France, the CNRS considers that fighting against this misinformation is part of its mission. We then decided to work together to offer the reader this comic book, which makes it possible to approach concepts which are less simple.
Under the apparent lightness of the graphic design, this book covers fundamental issues, and reports on what is really known about climate change, as well as on the way this knowledge is constructed. This is the strength of this work.
On a personal note, I still struggle to realize how lucky I have been. On each subject or received idea, I was able to work with a specialist of the subject, from heat waves to floods, from Antarctica to Amazonia. All of them took their free time to help us with the writing, to make sure that the content was as clear and accurate as possible. A huge thank you, in the hope that this book can contribute to answer the challenges of the next decades.
I hope you will enjoy reading this book as much as we enjoyed writing it for a year.