6 months examining Eric Zemmour’s speeches and ecological program. Here is the result:

No need to refresh the page frantically, this is not a bug. Ecology is not a subject for Eric Zemmour.
If of course he changes his mind between now and the first round of the presidential election, I will republish an article.
Chaque semaine, nous filtrons le superflu pour vous offrir l’essentiel, fiable et sourcé
The last word
A politician :
- Who speaks of “great warming” when talking about global warming (BFM debate with JL. Mélenchon);
- Who thinks that CO2 stops at the border;
- Who still dares to say that there are doubts about global warming, that scientists “do not all agree“;
- Who wants to ban all wind turbine construction projects on land and at sea (the people who were asked for the TEN mix scenarios are not competent, obviously);
- Who says that France is only 1% of the emissions, a classic discourses of climate inaction;
- Who says that the green, of the Greens, corresponds by chance to the green of Islam?
is either a liar or a manipulator. In the case of Eric Zemmour, he is a multi-recidivist, condemned several times by the justice. When someone blames Indians and Africans for climate change, it is not on scientific grounds, but ideological.
Vote for whoever you want, but if you have an ecological conscience, don’t vote for Eric Zemmour.